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Software Engineer, DevOps

September 2023 - Present


Software Engineer II

November 2020 - August 2023

  • Owned and delivered features end-to-end using Python, Java, FastAPI, React, and Typescript.
  • Refactored internal services into a public API, opening the door to a new set of use cases and customers.
  • Deployed lambdas, queues, tables, and other infrastructure using Terraform and AWS.
  • Thrived as we grew from 15 to 150+ people, raised a $40 million series A, and built products from 0 to 1.
  • Created pre-commit hooks and CI pipelines to promote quality through readability and test coverage.
  • Shipped a complex feature integration with changing requirements and limited documentation.

PNC numo

Software Engineer Intern

January 2020 - August 2020

  • Built Python AWS Lambdas to compress and cache images to an S3 bucket, cutting down data usage on mobile.
  • Created a regression test suite for our transactions API using LocalStack, Behave, Docker, and Python.
  • Led sprint retrospectives, demoed new features, and practiced Agile Scrum in a fast-paced environment.
  • Developed a new UI test suite for a consumer-facing mobile app using Flutter driver and MockServer.
  • Deployed automated tests on GitHub Actions to deliver continuous integration testing.

Columbus McKinnon

Test Automation Intern

October 2019 - December 2019

  • Saved hours of manual acceptance testing on each release cycle by automating forty UI tests with C#.


University of Pittsburgh

January 2018 - August 2020

  • B.S. in Computer Science.
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.22 / 4.0. Departmental GPA: 3.33 / 4.0.

Dickinson College

August 2011 - May 2015

  • B.A. in Environmental Studies.

Engagement and Awards

  • AmeriCorps Education Award: A scholarship for serving as an educator on water quality and infrastructure.
  • Construction Junction Board of Directors: Participated in board meetings for a nonprofit, synthesizing complex legal and financial discussions into a clear and concise document.


Language Time Level
Python 4 years Intermediate
TypeScript 2 years Beginner
Java 2 years Beginner


  • Frameworks: FastAPI, Jinja2, OpenAPI, Jupyter Notebook, React, Sphinx
  • Databases: Dynamo, Postgres, Redis
  • Infrastructure: AWS Lambda, CloudFront, DynamoDB, EC2, S3, SQS, SNS, Terraform
  • CI/CD: CircleCI, GitHub Actions, GitLab, SonarCloud
  • Observability: Elastic APM (Kibana),, Sentry, Datadog