Choosing API Identifers

Why GUIDs Should Be the Answer 99% of the Time.


In my time as an engineer I have seen all of the following used in identifying API resources:

  1. Integers, usually representing a sequential row ID in a database. Example: 123.
  2. Timestamps (yes, really). Example: 1684280000.
  3. Globally unique identifiers, also known as GUIDs or UUIDv4. Example: 289615c5-976a-41e5-ad67-c56bbd24b5df
  4. Short GUIDs. Example: 9EcYJzNXNXp82F8mvFX7S7.
  5. Prefixed GUIDs. Example: acct_9EcYJzNXNXp82F8mvFX7S7.

Let’s say we’re building a new API endpoint that fetches a list of orders for a given customer_id. What is the best API identifier to use for customer_id? Over the years I have observed developers overlooking key tradeoffs of these different options, weakening the security of the systems they maintain and creating technical debt that will haunt their team for years.

In general, a GUID will offer the best compromise in terms of security, debugging, and user experience. But let’s break down each option, and use practical examples to explore their nuances.

What problems do we need to solve?

1. URL safety

Our identifier must not contain any characters that cannot be encoded properly into a URL. So any old string won’t do. For example, \ in a URL would get rejected by cURL or another HTTP client because it is disallowed by the IETF standard.

All of our options meet this standard, so this rules out none of the above.

2. Collision free

Collisions can violate our database schema and make it more likely that we will accidentally confuse two resources, opening up the possibility of sharing one customer’s data with another customer.

For example, let’s say we have two database tables for customers: customers and customers_legacy, each having a few thousand rows. The API identifier is the integer row ID of the table. If we use a row id as the API identifier for both of these resources, and we accidentally introduce a bug that queries the wrong table in the wrong context, it’s possible we will leak the contact information of one customer to a different customer.

A related problem is unique constraints on database id’s. If we use a timestamp as the API identifier on a resource, and we create two of those resources around the same time, there’s a good possibility both resources will have the same identifier and the database will throw an exception.

This rules out integer row ids and timestamps.

3. Non-sequential

For the orders table let’s say we use a integer row ID. This would be a sequential, monotonically increasing integer. Let’s also say we have a new endpoint that allows customers to view a particular order, but we forgot to check if the customer has access to that order before returning that data. If we use the row ID as our API identifier, a hacker can easily scan through all of our orders. This is a common mistake in the real world. For example, in 2017 it was discovered that Panera was leaking data on millions of customers because it used sequential integers and weak security.

Finally, there’s what’s known as the German tank problem - if we expose how many widgets are in our system, and how quickly the number of widgets increases over time, that can offer valuable information to competitors. Fundamentally, we’re leaking information that the client shouldn’t need.

Again, this rules out integer row ids and timestamps.

4. Presentation

In documentation and in our UI, such as in a URL, we want identifiers that are legible and concise.

Sometimes I have used GUIDs in a URL, like api.test/orders/289615c5-976a-41e5-ad67-c56bbd24b5df. Compare that to the equivalent short GUID implementation: api.test/orders/9EcYJzNXNXp82F8mvFX7S7. Short GUIDs use a wider character set - note the mix of uppercase/lowercase letters - to compress a traditional 36 character GUID into only 22 characters. In theory, a more concise GUID creates less visual clutter and is easier work with. In practice, I haven’t seen a demand for this from users. If you have a system that already stores GUIDs, there’s now an additional translation that needs to happen between your database layer and your API layer. This slows down debugging and adds complexity to our implementation.

In that same vein, id’s with prefixes such as have become a popular way to disambiguate the purpose of a particular key. In theory, disambiguation is helpful if the identifier could come from different places, like an external integration. For example, Stripe would use person_9EcYJzNXNXp82F8mvFX7S7 to identify a person in their API. This information feels redundant, because in the context of working with APIs you already have other details that make the purpose of the identifier obvious.

The “Retrieve a person” endpoint returns this JSON blob:

   "id": "person_9EcYJzNXNXp82F8mvFX7S7", 

Or for another example, the endpoint URL

In both cases I already know we’re dealing with a Person, there’s no additional signal to including the prefix. While Stripe has had many good engineering ideas, I would contend that this may not be not one of them.

Before experimenting with short GUIDs, prefixes, or other more sophisticated approaches, do some user testing to validate product needs before deciding whether the added complexity makes sense.


  • Use a GUID.
  • Avoid row IDs or timestamps.

Grains of Salt 🧂 and Extra Bits

  • This advice comes from working at just two companies for four years. There could very well be nuances I have not yet encountered! Your mileage may vary.
  • If we could generate an infinite number of GUIDs, we would eventually encounter a collision. But with 122 bits of randomness, this should not be a concern for most, if not all, use cases. It’s also possible to generate a nonstandard GUID with more bits. If we make our GUIDs sequential to avoid collisions, we’re losing a major benefit of using them in the first place.
  • For certain use cases, such as a ticketing system, e.g. JIRA, a plain old number is ideal for the user experience because it’s easy to work with and remember. But I would argue that this is a frontend concern; we don’t have to use this number as the underlying API identifier - just treat that number as any other attribute of our resource.
  • In some cases, timestamps might be added to the identifier for optimal sorting and database indexing.
  • A GUID is only as strong as the underlying psuedo random number generator. Without sufficient entropy, GUIDs will be predictable and prone to collisions.
  • If we setup a web application firewall (WAF) with proper rate limiting and blocking, we can limit how many chances an attacker has to guess an identifier correctly.
  • Validate UUIDs in your controllers before persisting them. They are not just strings! Ignore data integrity at your peril…

Sources & Further Reading:

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